FERTILITY in Orland Park IL

Infertility represents a growing emergency in Western countries, affecting about one out of seven couples who attempt to have a child.
Many times, we are told it's a genetic problem (or not given a reason), when in reality it is an epigenetic problem. This means our lifestyle habits and environmental factors change the expression of our genes. The good news is we can change them for the better, and that's what Dr. Mimi has helped many couples with. Integrated Health Solutions can help you with fertility in Orland Park IL.
Did you know your and your partner's preconception health (before you conceive) has an impact on your:
- Chances of conception
- Health of pregnancy and chances of complications
- Postpartum recovery
- Health of baby, even into adulthood
Dr. Mimi uses an effective, natural approach to fertility that supports your body and addresses fertility from all angles. As a prenatal chiropractor, Mercier Therapist, and fertility specialist she addresses the nervous system, the physical health of the reproductive organs, and epigenetic factors critical for fertility.
Mercier Therapy is a modality that utilizes deep pelvic visceral manipulation to bring about better organ mobility and restore overall blood flow so that optimal pelvic organ function can return.
Mercier Therapy has helped hundreds of women conceive gently while preparing many to achieve better overall outcomes with medically assisted cycles such as IVF.
We address scar tissue, adhesions, malalignment or decreased mobility of the pelvic and reproductive structures. This is the physical aspect that can prevent you from conceiving, implanting and holding a pregnancy. All of this work is done externally.
Dr. Mercier has written and published 2 independent research studies, the most recent indicating an 87.7 percent pregnancy success rate in women who have undergone Mercier Therapy prior to starting IVF stimulation. The abstract, Mercier Therapy Improves IVF Outcomes was published in the Winter 2018 edition of Midwifery Today.
Please watch this introduction video before you come to your consultation and exam or if you are interested in fertility care:
Dr. Mimi also offers a self-paced online program for her fertility clients, called Foundations for Fertility. This program teaches you just the foundations you need for optimal fertility from a physiological standpoint, or how your body works.
The topics covered in Foundations for Fertility are listed below:
- Introduction/Epigenetics: how addressing your lifestyle and environment will change your health and outcomes. This introduction sets the stage for why we do this work and why this approach works.
- Nervous system: your nervous system controls all systems, including your reproductive system. The nervous system controls your stress response as well as coordinates all processes with reproduction and it can shut them down as well. Your body needs to feel safe to conceive and carry a pregnancy. This section covers the whats, whys and hows on this paramount aspect of fertility.
- Menstrual cycle: learn all about your hormones, how your cycle flows, cycle tracking with my simple + straightforward recommendations when TTC (trying to conceive). We also cover cycle syncing which are lifestyle strategies to support your cycle depending on the phase of you are in (this can be lifechanging!)
- Hydration: its not about just drinking more water! Its about your bodys ability to absorb and use it. Proper hydration is crucial for quality cervical mucus, egg quality, blood sugar regulation and much, much more. Also, your fridge filter isnt cutting it. Learn what to do about it in this section as well.
- Cell communication: egg and sperm are just that2 cells. In order to create optimal function, we need to understand what our smallest unitscellsneed, and provide it. Cells create tissues, tissues create organs, and organ systems make up you. We cant have healthy systems if the smallest unit doesnt have what it needs to function properly.
- Nourishment: there are 3 parts to this section. We cover all the macronutrients and micronutrients; blood sugar regulation and insulin resistance; foods to include in your diet (including fertility superfoods); foods to limit/avoid and more. We also discuss the physiology of eatingits not just about what you eat, but how you eat.
- Supplementation: recommendations for supplementation (with plenty of evidence to support it), as well as food sources for the nutrients. The supplement industry is hard to navigate because there is so much out there, and it is not regulated. Majority of supplements (~95% if I had to estimate), including prenatals, I would never recommend. I discuss why I choose the supplements I choose in depth.
- Movement: different types of movement are discussed, including why they are optimal, as well as strategies for movement.
- Rest: about 1 in 3 adults in America dont get the recommended amount of sleep. Sleep quantity and quality matter from a fertility perspective, and while we discuss the importance of and strategies for sleep, rest isnt only about getting enough sleep. There are also other types of rest we cover: physical, mental, emotional, social, creative, and spiritual.
- Environmental toxins: in todays society we are bombarded with chemicals, many we arent aware of. This section covers the most fertility disrupting chemicals and steps to minimize them, with plenty of resources and guidance. While nourishment and providing your body with the things it needs is crucial for fertility (as covered in every other foundation), not being aware of environmental toxins and minimizing them can destroy your health and fertility. Many environmental toxins contribute to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and in some way all chronic diseases, but from a fertility standpoint, they can worsen PCOS, endometriosis, hormone balance, and more. They even have a role in childhood diseases. Learn about it here and feel confident moving forward, setting up a healthier environment for your family to thrive.
There are over 10 hours of video content that go in-depth on these foundations, backed by research which is cited throughout because this is a science-based program. This program supports people with PCOS, endometriosis, hormone imbalance, thyroid problems, prediabetes, diabetes, and more wonderfully.
Fertility is an expression of health. Healthy parents not only have better fertility outcomes, but they also have healthier pregnancies, healthier children, and easier postpartum healing experiences. Dr. Mimi's goal is to help couples create the environment for a healthy conception and empower them to take responsibility for their health so they can create healthy families.
It's important to understand that this is a shared journey.
In about 50% of the cases of infertility, it is due to a male factor.
Paternal preconception health affects the development of pregnancy complications such as:
- Preeclampsia
- Gestational diabetes
- Preterm birth
- Babys long-term health
- Health of pregnancy
Male preconception health even has an impact on pregnancy loss (miscarriage) and repeated pregnancy loss.
120 Days To Conception
An egg takes 120 days to develop
Sperm takes 60-90 days to develop
Given this physiological fact, Dr. Mimi's best recommendation is to start care at least 120 days before trying to conceive. How healthy you are throughout that time determines the health of your reproductive cells and, therefore conception.
What we offer:
- Natural Fertility preparation or to complement IVF, IUI, etc
- Regulating the menstrual cycle + ovulation
- Normalizing hormone and endocrine systems
- Improving ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs
- Increasing uterine blood flow and lining
- Deep relaxation for reducing anxiety + stress
- Improving the success of IVF, IUI and other technologies
- Improving Male Factor sperm quality, quantity, and motility
- Decreasing miscarriage
This program addresses:
- High FSH
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Premature Ovarian Failure
- Luteal Phase Defects
- Endometriosis
- Autoimmune Infertility
- Recurrent miscarriage
What your journey will entail:
- 6 one-hour-long Mercier Therapy treatment sessions
- Supportive supplements/bio-identical hormone protocol
- One year of concurrent cycle monitoring
- Follow-up visits to review your journal
- Should it become necessary to utilize medically assisted options, we will serve as a liaison for you
- A period of active chiropractic care for both partners with frequency depending on your history and exam
This program can be used as a stand-alone regime or in preparation for a more medically assisted cycle such as IUI or IVF. We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly before starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help ensure a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start.
A stand-alone cycle without medical assistance is what is most natural and primal for your body. You will be guided to monitor your ovulatory cycle along with our help for up to one year after finishing your therapy with us.
When scheduling your consult please make sure to allow 60-90 minutes and bring any past medical records that may be helpful when discussing your history. During the consult, a full medical history will be obtained as well as a general and spinal exam, and a pelvic organ mobility evaluation.
Please call our office to schedule a consultation and exam. We cannot schedule these appointments through our website because Dr. Mimi's availability is limited.
Additional Resources:
- Fertility Friday Podcast: Conceiving With Mercier Therapy: http://fertilityfriday.com/episode-418/
- Fertility: The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy: https://www.amazon.com/Fertility-Shared-Journey-Mercier-Therapy/dp/B06VWLL9BX
- Conceive, by Jennifer Mercier: https://www.amazon.com/Conceive-Mercier-Approach-Jennifer/dp/1913717577 We also have a copy in the office, take a look next time you're in!
- Countdown, by Shanna H. Swan, PhD
Follow Dr. Mimi on Instagram for more information and education:
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Integrated Health Solutions
10751 165th St STE 100
Orland Park, IL 60467